Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Poem for A Mother

In this mirror I see,
A reflection of a young girl,
Who, with brown eyes smiles without fear,
She has not the stress of this world,
Which always makes our heads twirl,
Why is it that she is untainted by this world?
For her mother is always ever near,
And with her mother there -- she is free.

In this mirror I now see,
A woman that has come to be,
Someone caught in the stress of life,
Which seems to only bring strife,
Where did that life so free go?
But even in this harsh world there is one thing I know!
I may be far from my mother,
But the standards I live by are from no other.

In this mirror lives a great love,
Only from a mother could this love have flowed,
Only that certain woman could have taught me,
How to live pure, faithful, and strong,
Only that woman could have taught me how to see,
Whats on the inside not on the outside -- the right not the wrong,
She showed me a God who set me free,
And now I am no longer lost and blind -- but found and free,
These truths I will forever keep stowed away in my heat -- everything she showed,
And in this reflection there will always live a great love,
As I remember my past,
Look hopeful unto the future,
And live strong in the present.

Monday, October 10, 2011


I found my other old poetry book.....finally. This is one of my favorte poems....hope you enjoy.


When one day passes to another day,
I think, what were we put here to do?
Are we to live life peacefully? Is this to be so?
I don't think we are to stay in our same routine as we may.

There is only one chance to make our mark on life,
And I believe we can do it without much pain or strife,
Soon this day will come to its end, and become forgotten,
Will you leave your footprints in the path you've trodden?

We can change our course, we're the only one,
It may take a bold soul to do so they say,
But even a fool can tread his own way,
So tread yourself a mindful path before this day done.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day Poem

Here is a poem I wrote for my dad on Father's day one year; it had to have been at least five years ago. I don't remember. But since it is father's day tomorrow I thought I should put it up.

My Father's Hands:

My father's hands are the kind that although strong,
When I was growing up they taught me no wrong,
When I was a baby they held me gently,
Those hands, when I would fall, picked me up and set me down lightly,
Those hands showed me how to tie my shoes the right way,
When crossing the street those hands held mine, and in those warm, strong, beautiful hands, my hand would stay.

But one thing that my father's hands did that was the greatest,
Was, with those hands, he held his Bible as he read aloud,
The truth of what he read would always give me rest,
And his voice, proclaiming God's love, was firm and loud.

Through my father's hands I learned about my father God,
Through my father's hands I see the likeness of my God,
My God's hands are strong, yet gentle,
God's hands work through my life goodly and subtle,
He will never teach me wrong,
And like my earthly father I proclaim God's truth with song,
And when I fall my Lord helps me up, and helps me to again take flight,
My eyes now see with my Lord's sight,

With my father's hands it is now known,
The love our Father God has for the world, is shown.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Giant Oak

I am ancient, old, and still,
I have stood in this same place for an age,
Other's before have been cut down and brought to a mill,
But here I stay anceint, old, and still in this cage.

For years here I've stayed, for years I sleep,
My roots bend low and grow quite deep,
My life is never ebbing like the sea,
Only in this same wood doth stand me,

I am anceint, old, and still and here I'll stay,
Until my roots are taken away,
But for now I will stand and not sway,
And I am ancient, old, and for now...still.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Dictionary

This is the very first poem that I wrote. I had to write a poem in my Senoir year about an inanimate object and there happened to be a dictonary right in front of me, and I realized that I hadn't been using the dictionary so much anymore. I used to use it for school alot but as I came to my later teens I stopped using it, and so I wrote this poem from the dictionary's point of view. What does the dictionary feel about not being used so much, and so thats how I came up with this poem; enjoy!

The Dictionary

Who am I? I am no more,
Will my life ever again be filled?
In this dark corner it seems my fate is sealed,
On this shelf I sit, and there I’ll be forevermore.

Once I was looked upon as wise,
People would see inside of me,
The answers that were meant to be,
But now, here I stay with great demise.

For the dust and the lint upon me sit,
It seems to me I am now beat,
Someday near I may be used as flint,
To make a great fire with whom I will heat.

Who am I? For I am no more,
No one looks to me for wise words,
For it seems I have been cut up by swords,
Here I sit, not so great anymore.

Monday, December 13, 2010

My sister:

There is a girl I've known since birth,
Who heard me utter my first word,
But may not hear my last,
She never asked how much her love cost,
For what kind of payment would it be worth?
A love that has melted away the frost,
A love that's stronger than the thickest cord,
To see this love I only need to think on my past.

It has been as close to me as my hand in front of my face,
It knows no boundaries and fills every space,
It can be as distant as a mountain,
Yet still pour down on me like a fountain,
It has been as tiny as a grain of sand,
Though louder than a Rock Band,
It, when fallen to my knees, has helped me to stand,
And I've always know it will never leave my hand.

And yet, like the wind you never know it's there until you think on it.

There is a girl I've known since birth,
And I know, to her, how much I'm worth,
For she was there when this world made me cry,
She helped me when I was shy,
She made me laugh and my heart to fly.

Who is this girl you say?
Who has loved me this way?
Well, that would happen to be my sister.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

In memory of Mr. Tony Cobb

This is my second poem dedicated to Mr. Tony. I wrote my first one when there was still hope he could make it. This one I had started in his hospital room during his last and wasn't able to finish until now. But through many tears and much heartache it is finally finished.

Dear Angels:

But dear angels in heaven,
If you come to take him at our fathers bidd'n,
If our God has sent you to bring him home,
We must let you come,

Even though the thought of it makes our hearts Tare,
We must allow him to be put in your care,
For there in the Lord's arms he will find a perfect rest,
If this be his final test,
Then let him obey our Father's call,
For that same call will come to all,
Who have fought the good fight,
Through many hardships and strife,
But received many blessings in love,
And have received their help from the father above,

But tell the Lord as you go on your way,
To not let the hearts of those who are staying behind fray,
But give us the comfort and rest we need,
And let this man's life be planted in our lives like a seed,
So we can grow in the same manner,
Let his legacy be known as the good planter,
Who has sown in our hearts the love and fear of the Lord,
He has taught us how to use God's word as a sword,
From him we know how to obey the commandment's of the Lord,
Let the love of God he showed, in us be poured,
So we will not stray from our Father's way,
So we will fellowship with Christ in light,
Let all darkness in us take flight,
And let us remember this great Saint as we keep on fighting each day,

So that when you, dear angels, come in our end,
We will leave this world in peace,
For we followed this man's great legacy,
So when our time begins to cease,
You, dear angels, our Father will send,
To take us to our home with all urgency,
Where pain and tears are replaced,
With joy and songs, and reunion to those we love,
And for eternity this is where we will be placed,
Having communion with those good Saints and with our Lord above,

So dear angles in heaven,
I know you have come,
At our Father's bidd'n,
To take your Saint Mr. Tony home,
While there are many tears,
And many more fears,
For we do not know what our future holds without him,
We know that one day, for us, you will come,
To bring us home,
And there we will again see him,
No more sorrow,
No more pain,
This is our hope for the morrow,
This is why we do not let our praises to you, Oh God, refrain,

We miss you Mr. much. You were such a bright shining light in this dark world. No matter what came, you kept on sharing the love of our Lord even unto the end, but not the end of everything, only the end of your mission and hard work upon this earth. Your strong faith in the Lord still reverberates in our hearts; you were a man of great faith and we only wish we could add up to that. Your legacy is your faith, and the greatest legacy in the world. We will continue to press on because we WILL see you again one day. With your content smile and your loving ways. You will be ready for us when we come, you and Mrs. Cindy both, will be standing there waiting for us; ready with a smile and also a joke. "What took you so long?"