Monday, December 13, 2010

My sister:

There is a girl I've known since birth,
Who heard me utter my first word,
But may not hear my last,
She never asked how much her love cost,
For what kind of payment would it be worth?
A love that has melted away the frost,
A love that's stronger than the thickest cord,
To see this love I only need to think on my past.

It has been as close to me as my hand in front of my face,
It knows no boundaries and fills every space,
It can be as distant as a mountain,
Yet still pour down on me like a fountain,
It has been as tiny as a grain of sand,
Though louder than a Rock Band,
It, when fallen to my knees, has helped me to stand,
And I've always know it will never leave my hand.

And yet, like the wind you never know it's there until you think on it.

There is a girl I've known since birth,
And I know, to her, how much I'm worth,
For she was there when this world made me cry,
She helped me when I was shy,
She made me laugh and my heart to fly.

Who is this girl you say?
Who has loved me this way?
Well, that would happen to be my sister.

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